miercuri, 20 august 2014

Sandalandala - Trendsetter printre campingurile din Vama Veche

Probabil cel mai popular si popularizat loc din Vama Veche in acest sezon, Sandalandala ar putea fi desemnat cu usurinta "Campingul Anului 2014", in cazul in care o astfel de distinctie ar exista.

Deschis de 1 Mai, campingul a beneficiat de o campanie de promovare si fidelizare mai putin obisnuita, bazata pe tatuarea permanenta cu logo-ul "Sandalandala" a doritorilor de cazare gratuita pe viata in acest loc.

Astfel, campingul a gasit o modalitate de a-si face reclama pe termen lung, iar insemnatii, de a se bucura de "guilty pleasure-ul" cel mai autohton, si anume, de a obtine totul  moca (tatuaje si cazare).

Desi oarecum reticenti si speriati de entuziasmul care a cuprins lumea in legatura cu tatuajele "Sandalandala", am decis sa ne imbarcam si noi in experienta de a campa doua nopti in noul loc din spatele clubului Expirat.

Inarmati cu vreo 7 kg de cort si 5 de provizii, am descins din masina si ne-am tarat cu greu pana la intrarea impunatoare si foarte imbietoare.

Intr-o fractiune de secunda si-a facut aparitia si personalul, foarte vigilent cu fiecare nou venit.

Plata,asa cum era de asteptat, se achita la sosire, preturile, ceva mai mari decat la curte, sunt de 20 RON/pers pe noapte plus taxa de cort (pentru un cort de 3 persone fiind de 15 RON/zi). Ghinionul nostru a fost ca eram doua persoane la cort de trei, dar cine s-ar fi gandit la asta...

Campingul este foarte primitor si spatios, dotat cu restaurant, galetuse pentru gunoi la fiecare pas si un numar generos de bai si dusuri, care par sa acopere necesarul, la o prima vedere (dar nu si dupa doua zile de campat).

Senzatia de spatiu  si aer pe care am avut-o seara a disparut odata cu venirea diminetii. Asemenea unui desert, Sandalandala atrage seara prin peisajul feeric si te alunga din cort ziua, datorita lipsei copacilor sau a oricarui alt tip de constructie care sa tina de umbra.

Dar, cum si pe plaja situatia ar fi fost similara (la alte preturi,e adevarat, insa fara bratari all inclusive si paznici vigilenti), am conchis ca nu este cazul sa ne facem sange rau pe tema asta.

Ceea ce a devenit totusi suparator, in conditiile unei cazari platite si moderne, a fost inexistenta unui spatiu de depozitare a alimentelor, de tipul frigider/lada frigorifica. In completarea acestui aspect relativ iritant, a venit si vestea ca, in tot campingul nu exista decat doua prize, motiv pentru care, incarcarea telefoanelor pe durata sederii, este practic imposibila.

Trecand peste micile neplaceri, am decis sa aruncam mancarea ramasa si sa luam pranzul la restaurantele consacrate, unde prizele abundau si puteau fi incarcate chiar si 5-6 telefoane simultan.

Din nefericire, de ce iti este mai frica nu scapi, in cazul meu,de bai supraaglomerate. Fiind weekend si plin sezon, campingul a functionat la capacitate maxima. Toaletele: multe la numar, insa nu foarte curate si cam inghesuite. In rest, totul modern si nou.

Daca de aici scapi repede, nu acelasi lucru poate fi spus si despre dusuri, ele fiind constant suprasolicitate. Cat despre apa calda, ea a ramas pentru mine si colegii din cabinele alaturate un mister si un motiv bun pentru a face din experienta Sandalandala, o experienta unica.

In concluzie, campingul Sandalandala este un loc dragut, dar preferabil de incercat in afara weekendurilor si fara foarte multe pretentii cosmopolite.

marți, 5 august 2014

The Online Freelancing Game

When all real job perspectives become too dull or merely unattainable, the logical next step, in a 21st century set scenario, is to engage into the vast world of freelancing.

With millions of worldwide projects in any imaginable and unimaginable field of activity, online freelancing is a tempting way to finance your dreams, while working in the comfort of your own home.

To make things seem even easier, the platform helps you set your account and choose your interests in no time, and voila!, you are officially ready to work. Now all you need is enough spare time to surf around (but since you probably don't have a real job, that shouldn't be of any concern).

What  becomes of massive concern however, as soon as you start bidding for jobs, is the amount of other eager freelancers that compete for the same jobs as you and their vast experience or dumping prices they are willing to work for, such as 2$/hour.

Now, as you may suspect, nobody was born an experienced freelancer, so even if it's a long way to the top, you gotta start rocking n rolling somewhere to get there.

In case you are still worried your chances to win that bid are too small, freelancing websites offer you the possibility to pay your way to the top and get highlighted (yep, you got that right, you pay to eventually...maybe get a job and get payed).

How does that work? Either you can opt for a monthly membership (that can range from 10$ to 200...-pardon me- 199.95$) or you can pay on the spot, the amount of money of your choice for an equivalent amount of promotional time.

As if that weren't enough, as a newbie, you are often likely to face the problem of "not enough XP (freelancer.com) or Connects (elance.com)". What does that mean? It usually means you cannot apply for jobs that require a certain amount of "XP or Connects"  or that you have a limited number of offers you can make.

This upgrading system resembles that of online gaming, where you need to constantly play and earn rewards and, as it is with free game apps, just when you think you are starting to get the hang of it, a pop-up reminds you that your free trial is over.

But, yet again, no need is artificially created without a well built appealing solution right around the corner. So when the going gets tough, the miraculous alternatives get going. One way to get that much needed experience is by taking a skills test (and if it is skills that you need in order to unlock more job opportunities, than you can be sure that they will not be granted for free, therefore, taking the test will require you to pay a small fee).

If skills are only a veteran's decoration to go along with your beautifully designed profile, then they'll probably be free of charge. However, they will not unlock more jobs,therefore, chances are you will still need to buy your way in through a membership.

After the whole ordeal of trying to actually do something and get paid,instead of paying to get a chance to get lucky, there is no guarantee whatsoever that things will go on smoothly between you and your employer (you can research some blogs about freelancing experiences for that and get some chills).

The only thing that is for sure, is that the online freelancing companies are bound to be on a win-win situation, either they seal you a deal or not.


vineri, 1 august 2014

Annoying habits I can't change

They say it's best to learn from other people's mistakes, but when it comes to useless bad habits, masochism settles in.

It's not like you don't acknowledge their constant presence and wrongness, and yet, they seem to be part of a much more elaborate obsessive compulsive behaviour, that has taken control over your actions.

Similar to drug addicts, you keep telling yourself each time that it's the last time,but it's anyone's guess that's only until next time.

So how do we get rid of this absurd stubbornness? Not sure there is any miraculous cure out there, but as with any other mild mental disorder, it is best to start by making a list, to pin point the craziness at first.

Then, luckily, you will be baffled enough by it and take that much needed action to improve your everyday life.

For some inspiration (and empathy!), I have dug up the realms of my brain and found these (little fuckers):

1. Buttoning up shirts

Although it clearly states: "to button up", the only way I ever button...is down!

An action which, obviously, results each time in having too many or too little buttons left at the end of the shirt.

So, when buttoning clothes, always button up!


Technically, they mark book pages. Ideally, they mark the pages of those books you are reading.
Usually, they mark some random forgotten pile of stuff in a drawer or closet.

Bookmarks: Keep them inside books you actually read or find them a place your Alzheimer's isn't likely to interfere with.

3. Boiling water

Either it's tea, milk or any other fast boiling fluid, chances are it takes it less to warm up than it takes you to remember to come back in the kitchen.

So, unless you fancy a visit from the fire department, it is best to actually stay in the kitchen or use a timer/reminder for these sort of actions.

4. Watering plants

Not all plants are cactuses (cacti), but most apartment ones get the same treatment.

Unfortunately, plants don't water themselves, and if you aren't lucky or rich enough to own a garden (or a housekeeper), the rain won't be able to do it's magic tricks.

Therefore, if you're not planning to make a herbarium out of them, always (use a reminder to) water your plants...or buy cactuses. Or, if you are THAT lazy, buy artificial flowers.